
aus Kamelopedia, der wüsten Enzyklopädie
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addOnloadHook( bl2_create );
// == tables and defines ==
userNs = "Kamel"
pageTable =
	"X": "Leseze!chen",
	"H": "Lesezirkel",
	"S": "SB",
	"K": "Kleinkramkiste",
	"B": "Beobachtete Seiten"
// == constructors ==
function bl2_create()
	box = null;
	box = document.getElementById("ca-watch");
	if ( box == null )
		box = document.getElementById("ca-unwatch");
	if ( box == null )
	box = box.parentNode;
	el = document.createElement("LI");
	html = "";
	html += ">";
	html += "<form name='bl2_form' action='#' onsubmit='return bl2_submit(this);' style='display: inline;' >";
	html += "<input name='bl_box' id='bl2_box' type='text' style='background-color: #EEEEEE; border: none; width: 4em; font-size: 80%; color: #555555;' onchange='bl2_change( this );' onkeyup='bl2_change( this );' />";
	//html += "<input type='submit' style='display: inline' name='wpX' />";
        html += "<span id='bl2_notify' name='bl_notify' onclick='bl2_clear();'></span>";
	html += "<iframe name='bl_iframe' id='bl2_iframe' style='position:fixed; top: 0px; left:0px; width: 200px; height: 400px; z-index: 1000; visibility: hidden;' src='' />";
	html += "</form>";
	el.innerHTML = html;
function bl2_submit ( bl_form )
	val = bl_form.bl_box.value;
	var actionAttr = null;
	var pageAttr = null;
	var sectionAttr = null;
		actionAttr = val.substr(0,1);
		pageAttr = val.substr(1,1);
		sectionAttr = val.substr(2);
        document.getElementById("bl2_notify").innerHTML = "»";
	if ( val == "?" || ( pageTable[pageAttr] != null && pageTable[pageAttr] != "" ))
                if ( actionAttr == ">" ) //Goto
                        location.href = wgScript+'?title='+userNs+':'+wgUserName+'/'+escape(pageTable[pageAttr]);
                        return false;
		else if ( val == "?" ) // only "?" -> pageTable info
			var out = "";
			for (var abbrev in pageTable)
				out += (abbrev + ": " + pageTable[abbrev] + "\n");
		else if ( actionAttr == "?" ) // "?..." -> label info
		        bl2_modifyPage(escape(pageTable[pageAttr]), bl2_modifier, [actionAttr, sectionAttr], bl2_ready, actionAttr+"[["+wgPageName+"]]", true);
		        bl2_modifyPage(escape(pageTable[pageAttr]), bl2_modifier, [actionAttr, sectionAttr], bl2_ready, actionAttr+"[["+wgPageName+"]]");
		document.getElementById("bl2_notify").innerHTML += "×";
	return false; //do not submit
function bl2_change ( bl_box )
	if ( bl_box.value != bl_box.value.toUpperCase() )
		bl_box.value = bl_box.value.toUpperCase();
// == page modification tools
 * modifies a page (please call only one at a time)
 * pagename : pagename including namespace
 * modifierHook : function pointer to a function which accepts the current data and returns the modification data
 * modifierArg: arguments to the pointer
 * readyHook : void function (void) which will be called at the end
function bl2_modifyPage( pagename, modifierHook, modifierArg, readyHook, summary, readonly )
	if ( readonly === undefined ) 
		readonly = false;
	bl2_mP_struct.pagename = pagename;
	bl2_mP_struct.fn_modifier = modifierHook;
	bl2_mP_struct.modifier_arg = modifierArg;
	bl2_mP_struct.fn_ready = readyHook;
        bl2_mP_struct.summary = summary;
	bl2_mP_struct.readonly = readonly;
var bl2_mP_struct = { pagename: null, fn_modifier: null, fn_ready: null, modifier_arg: null, summary: null, readonly: null };
function bl2_iframeInit()
	document.getElementById("bl2_iframe").src = wgScript+'?title='+userNs+':'+wgUserName+'/'+bl2_mP_struct.pagename+'&action=edit';
	document.getElementById("bl2_iframe").onload = bl2_iframeComplete;
function bl2_iframeComplete()
	document.getElementById("bl2_iframe").onload = bl2_iframeComplete2;
	bl2_iframeSetText( bl2_mP_struct.fn_modifier( bl2_iframeGetText(), bl2_mP_struct.modifier_arg ), bl2_mP_struct.summary );
	if (bl2_mP_struct.readonly == true)
function bl2_iframeComplete2()
function bl2_iframeGetText()
	return document.getElementById("bl2_iframe").contentWindow.document.getElementById("wpTextbox1").value;
function bl2_iframeSetText(text, summary)
	document.getElementById("bl2_iframe").contentWindow.document.getElementById("wpTextbox1").value = text ;
        if ( summary != null && summary != "" )
        	document.getElementById("bl2_iframe").contentWindow.document.getElementById("wpSummary").value = summary ;
// == specific functions ==
function bl2_modifier( data, arg )
        document.getElementById("bl2_notify").innerHTML += "»";
	if ( arg[0] == "+" ) // add page
		reg = new RegExp( "(<!-- label( | [^>]* )"+arg[1]+" [^>]*-->)", "gi" );
		if ( arg[1] == null || data.search(reg) == -1 ) // specified section not found
			reg2 = new RegExp( "(<!-- label( | [^>]* )\\* [^>]*-->)", "gi" );
			if ( data.search(reg) != -1 ) // try default (*)
				data = data.replace(reg2, "* [["+wgPageName+"]]\n$1" );
			else // no idea - put it at the end
				data += "\n\* [["+wgPageName+"]]";
		else // booya! the specified section exists - put it there
			data = data.replace(reg, "* [["+wgPageName+"]]\n$1" );
	else if ( arg[0] == "-" ) // remove page
		reg = new RegExp( "[\\n]+\\* *\\[\\["+wgPageName+"(\\|.*?)?\\]\\]", "gi" );
		data = data.replace(reg, "" );
        else if ( arg[0] == "/" ) // cross out
		reg = new RegExp( "\\[\\["+wgPageName+"(\\|.*?)?\\]\\]", "gi" );
		data = data.replace(reg, "<s>$1</s>" );
	else if ( arg[0] == "?" ) // display label info
		reg = new RegExp( "(=+[^=]+=+|(<!-- label( | [^>]* )-->))", "gi" );
		res = data.match(reg);
		if ( res )
	return data;
function bl2_ready()
	document.getElementById("bl2_notify").innerHTML += "OK";
function bl2_clear()
        document.getElementById("bl2_notify").innerHTML = "";
        document.getElementById("bl2_box").value = "";