Walzing Kamala

aus Kamelopedia, der wüsten Enzyklopädie
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Lied der Kängurus im Garten des Weißen Hauses

Once a jolly woman camped on the White House lawn,
Under the shade of a Delawarian,
And she sang as she watched and waited till his age was shown,
She b'came a-Walzing Kamala from then.
Walzing Kamala, Walzing Kamala,
You b'came a-Walzing Kamala with Tim,
And You sang as You watched and waited for run-mate to come,
You b'came a-Walzing Kamala with him.

Melodie & Lyrik-Schema[bearbeiten]

aus Wikipedia

Titel:Waltzing Matilda
AutorInnEn= Banjo Paterson / James Barr / Christina MacPherson
geschaffen 1818 und 1895
populär gebliebene Fassung von Harry Nathan und Marie Cowan, 1901 und 1902

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