Camels get ready
aus Kamelopedia, der wüsten Enzyklopädie
(Weitergeleitet von Hat fertig)
Camels get ready ist ein bisweilen auch weihevoll gesungenes Poem. Schon der Kurtisane May gefiel's.
Die Deutsche Version lautet Kamel hat fertig.
Camels get ready There's a train a-coming You won't get no’ payload You must sell your Fnord All you see is rails Yo’ hear just diesels humming Times got so wicked Theodicy Lord Camels get ready For the queue of jobless Picked up by coaches But none like Klopp Dung was the key To get good jobs from drivers Today’s approaches With shit always flop There ain't no job For the humpless llama And humps of camels Fail to stand upright Have pity on hoofs Whose chances shrink to drama Cause there's no caravan To horizon’s light