Forum:Viele Grüße aus Illogicopedia
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Deutsch (übersetzt):
Hallo! Ich bin user 'Benedict Blade' aus Illogicopedia, ein englischsprachiges Wiki gewidmet non, und ganz humorvolle Surrealismus und einige Satire. Das Wiki hat derzeit rund 7400 Artikel, und eine aktive userbase hauptsächlich britischen und amerikanischen Autoren.
Wir haben derzeit Wikis in vier weiteren lanuages (Dutch, Norwegisch, Französisch und Portugiesisch). Eine vorgeschlagene deutsche Version wurde nie durch, wie ähnlich es zu Ihrem Wiki und Stupidedia werden erstellt. In diesem Sinne schlage ich eine freundliche Zugehörigkeit zwischen Kamelopedia und Illogicopedia, in denen beide sich gegenseitig als "Schwester-Projekt" zu betrachten und sie als so auf der Hauptseite aufgelistet, und anderswo in der Wiki. Freigabe der übersetzten Inhalte wären ebenfalls erwünscht. Ich empfinde dies wäre von Vorteil für beide Projekte sein, wie deutschsprachigen Leute würden in der Lage sein ein Wiki ähnlich Illogicopedia in ihrer eigenen Sprache und umgekehrt zu finden.
Ich wäre sehr dankbar für Ihre Gedanken dazu! Ich entschuldige mich für mein schlechtes Deutsch.
In English:
-- Benedict Blade (Diskussion) 20:28, 19. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Hi Benedict!
- Since your German seems to have a slight Googlian accent, I'll take revenge on you by using my English. ;-)
- We have some kind of loose partnership with the Uncyclopedia family, and least with the independent, where Illogicopedia is listed, too (at the bottom). The Wikis conquered by Wikia aren't very communicative, sadly.
- When you look at our main page, we've also got some interwiki links in our sidebar, including the largest Uncyclopedia partners. I think we may gladly add Illogicopedia, at least the English version.
- However, I think a list of Illogicopedia versions on the main page itself wouldn't be appreciated much by our herd (community). A similar suggestion regarding Uncyclopedia versions has already been rejected, and the camels are always a bit stubborn. ;-)
- Nevertheless we are always happy to maintain interwiki partnerships!
- Best regards, Kamelokronf (Diskussion) 23:32, 19. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Thanks. Hahaha, I attempted to aid the translation with some of the (basic) German I learned way back in school, but that wasn't of much use, to be honest... May I compliment you on your English however!
- Interesting to see that, like us, you are vaguely associated with the Uncyclomedia project. Anyhow, the English version being featured on the languages sidebar here would be great, and we will obviously reciprocate the gesture. The Main Page idea is more of an Illogicopedia custom for foreign languages if anything, so it doesn't really matter, and even if you did then you'd only need to include our English version (again, we'd do exactly the same).
- Mit besten Grüßen -- Benedict Blade (Diskussion) 00:21, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Hi Ben, well I gave my best[1][2] but for some rare (at least for my base of knowledge) reason it didn't work. Perhaps it takes some time to synchronize or much better somebody who knows what he is doing... Anyway, as I saw[3][4] you are, as we do, fighting against the same damn aversion of some folks to do there job. If interwiki will help this issue... well i don't think so, but at least now we are not alone! Kameloid (Diskussion) 02:14, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Hmm... That's peculiar. All I could say is to copy from the interwiki table at Uncyclopedia-en, as that's what we've done, but unfortunately I am not too familiar with the structure of this sort of thing.
- Indeed, inactivity seems to be something of a pandemic among wikis... even the giant that is Wikipedia is experiencing something of the sort. As long as there's still an active core though, both Illogicopedia & Kamelopedia should be fine, I reckon :) -- Benedict Blade (Diskussion) 02:54, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Hi Ben, well I gave my best[1][2] but for some rare (at least for my base of knowledge) reason it didn't work. Perhaps it takes some time to synchronize or much better somebody who knows what he is doing... Anyway, as I saw[3][4] you are, as we do, fighting against the same damn aversion of some folks to do there job. If interwiki will help this issue... well i don't think so, but at least now we are not alone! Kameloid (Diskussion) 02:14, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Ok, for Wikipedia there is a quite simple explanation, the major effort has concluded; all articles about the least significant and secluded village, all football-teams and even the worst movies have been done, so this is a logic consequence. Well, but in the case of more challenging wikis like yours or ours... I smell a conspiracy from Facebook, twitter & Co.! Kameloid (Diskussion) 05:10, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- @Kameloid: Die Sidebar-Interwikis sind noch mal ne Stufe spezieller, da muss man servermäßig ran [5], aber nach den neuesten Entwicklungen dürfte das kein Problem mehr sein :-) --Kamelokronf (Diskussion) 13:37, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Ich wusste doch, dass das viel zu einfach war... Aber Danke. Kameloid (Diskussion) 17:07, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Thanks. We've got you listed on our site now, and I've also had a go at creating an article for Kamelopedia[6]... as with most of the stuff I write, it's not very good :P
- As our licenses appear to be compatible, what do you think of the idea of sharing some (translated) articles? --Benedict Blade (Diskussion) 18:32, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Ich wusste doch, dass das viel zu einfach war... Aber Danke. Kameloid (Diskussion) 17:07, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- @Kameloid: Die Sidebar-Interwikis sind noch mal ne Stufe spezieller, da muss man servermäßig ran [5], aber nach den neuesten Entwicklungen dürfte das kein Problem mehr sein :-) --Kamelokronf (Diskussion) 13:37, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
Sharing translated articles? Also fremde Texte der Illogipedia auf Kamelopedia? Halte ich persönlich gar nichts von. Kamelopedia soll Kamelopedia bleiben. Ungott (Diskussion) 18:40, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- I'm not sure you quite understood what I meant, which is understandable, for obvious reasons. I was simply suggesting that a few compatible articles could be exchanged, not any sort of mass import. Sorry if I was a little vague. --Benedict Blade (Diskussion) 18:52, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- In fact as our licensing allows any kind of misuse of any text and most of the pictures, feel free to import what ever you want. Although we like to keep our loved Kamelo unique, I think that translating is not the same as copying, so this might be a good way to bring humor to a bigger audience, which I think should be the goal of any wiki. Kameloid (Diskussion) 19:44, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Following your idea of exchanging articles, I have red some out of the, quite good stuff, and I tried to imagine translating it, but this turned out to be boring... from my point of view (for sure, just my own opinion), except stealing some ideas..., this will not work. PS: A major issue are your pictures; "fair use" does not exist in Germany and the others I saw were without valid licensing. Kameloid (Diskussion) 21:00, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Yeah, there's obviously the issue of humour being lost in translation. 'Consented idea stealing' sounds good to me, one I thought would work well on here, for example, is Shrimp Paradox[7], which could be changed to 'Kamel Paradoxon' to stay in line with the theme. Thank you for giving consideration to the idea by the way - mind if we use Verniedlichung? -- Benedict Blade (Diskussion) 21:25, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- [after edit conflict] I also think, translations would be difficult. Wiki articles always change, so we would have to do a lot of synchronisation work, as soon as an article is changed. I think it would be not the wrongest way simply to have interwiki links in similar articles. That would be a good way from my point of view. 8-D (Diskussion) 21:36, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- That sounds like a good idea to me. As for the discussion below about the quality of our articles, it's a mixed bag. Our pre-2008 articles are often more incoherent than the stuff from recent years, which is actually pretty decent, and we're currently working on an 'Article Improvement Drive'[8] to bring them up to current standards. --Benedict Blade (Diskussion) 09:10, 21. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- [after edit conflict] I also think, translations would be difficult. Wiki articles always change, so we would have to do a lot of synchronisation work, as soon as an article is changed. I think it would be not the wrongest way simply to have interwiki links in similar articles. That would be a good way from my point of view. 8-D (Diskussion) 21:36, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Yeah, there's obviously the issue of humour being lost in translation. 'Consented idea stealing' sounds good to me, one I thought would work well on here, for example, is Shrimp Paradox[7], which could be changed to 'Kamel Paradoxon' to stay in line with the theme. Thank you for giving consideration to the idea by the way - mind if we use Verniedlichung? -- Benedict Blade (Diskussion) 21:25, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Following your idea of exchanging articles, I have red some out of the, quite good stuff, and I tried to imagine translating it, but this turned out to be boring... from my point of view (for sure, just my own opinion), except stealing some ideas..., this will not work. PS: A major issue are your pictures; "fair use" does not exist in Germany and the others I saw were without valid licensing. Kameloid (Diskussion) 21:00, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
Ich sag´s mal auf Deutsch, um niemandem aus der Illogicopedia wehzutun
Scheint mir ein ziemlich schwaches Wiki zu sein, selbst die Top-Themen (Jesus, Gott) sind dort nur sehr vage angeschnitten und kaum der Rede wert. Erinnert mich sehr an die einstige Kartoffelpedia. Ungott (Diskussion) 21:31, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Nach meinem ersten Eindruck ist die Qualität der Beiträge recht durchmischt, ob besser oder schlechter als hier vermag ich aber nicht zu sagen. Und einige feine Bilder haben sie kreiert. Die Interwikilinks würde aber gewiss "hüben wie drüben" keine Schmerzen bereiten, sofern inhaltlich nüx angetastet würde. 8-D (Diskussion) 21:41, 20. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
I do not know why there is even a discussion if you may or may not use our articles in your wiki. Each of our contributors already signed a contract making our contents publicly available for anybody and for (almost, see below) any use: the cc-by-sa license. So, if you want to use or translate some of our articles, all you have to do is take them, mention the source/authors and to release it under the same license (cc-by-sa) - there's no need to ask. However, you may not release them under your wiki license, cc-by-nc-sa, (and we may not release yours under cc-by-sa) as our licenses are not compatible: Your license requires the content do stay non-commercial, while our license allows commercial use. All you could do is to ask each and every author for permission to release their works under cc-by-nc-sa (or even cc-by, cc-by-nc), too. Cheers --J* (Diskussion) 08:54, 21. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Thank you for the information. I decided to ask on here as a matter of principle, rather than technicality, but I see it's perhaps not as straight-forward as I first thought. --Benedict Blade (Diskussion) 09:23, 21. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- But maybe an other good thing will be created, for example the interwiki links between articles that deal with the same subject. That does not exclude partially translation work, if source and license will be named. 8-D (Diskussion) 11:41, 21. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- @J* Exchanging and translating content is only one (good) thought and it includes not only permission questions. If this idea will not work, lets find other ways to interact. 8-D (Diskussion) 11:41, 21. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
- Definitely, the whole exchanging thing was just an idea that I'd thought up without much deliberation. I've put some interwiki links on Illogicopedia already on some of our most popular articles[9].--Benedict Blade (Diskussion) 21:40, 21. Jan. 2013 (NNZ)
Creative Commons should drop their infamous NC and ND licenses altogether. -- Scheißefresser (Diskussion) 11:37, 6. Feb. 2013 (NNZ)
I understand only "Bahnhof" ;-) Angsthase (Diskussion) 12:03, 6. Feb. 2013 (NNZ)